Monday, March 26, 2007

This stage of journey is over. After 27 hours--getting up at 5AM (or11pm CST) and then 3 airports, waiting, flying, waiting, flying, luggage pick-up, and finally driving 6 1/2 hours back north-- we all arrived tired but safe. The flights were uneventful but long... from London to Chicago it was a three movie, 2 meal, plus some down time- 8hrs. Wouldn't you know it that some of our luggage was given the honor of being of making it to the final four... not in B-ball but on the carousel.

Each team member was glad for the opportunity. As our theme verse for "Join the Journey" proclaims, "I will make you a symbol and source of blessing." (Zechariah 8:13nlt) -- God did just that. Our missionary friends were blessed, the church as blessed, Zsusa was blessed, and most of all we are blessed. It was a terrific week of ministry and eye opening experiences for the team. Even the set backs like a tooth needing a cap was a blessing.... where in the US could you get a quality cap for under $350? (Did you know they have vacation packages for dentistry work in Budapest for European residents?) And Brian's bout with the bug...gave most of us an opportunity to try Unicum, the local stomach medicine....oh yes, some of us tried the newer gentler nyquil tasting variety.

The staff at the Mozi and KEGY were outstanding as they helped us get things moving and served us making us feel at home in Hungary. And Brad-ushski is a tour guide you would die for.

Thanks for following our trip and perhaps someday you might be able to join us. But where ever you are you are invited to join the journey of faith and allow God to work in your life and

throug h your life... blessings begin when we are open to God. May you be richly blessed as you follow Christ. God's Favor.


mulletinchicago said...

From the entire team of missionaries at the Kelenfold Ministry Center we want to say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY for your sacrificial service! You guys are incredible!!! Brad, for the team.

mulletinchicago said...

From the entire team of missionaries at the Kelenfold Ministry Center we want to say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY for your sacrificial service! You guys are incredible!!! Brad, for the team.