Monday, March 19, 2007

Today, we lived up to the Rhino reputation. Demolition, dust, dirt, and don't ask. Working with dusk masks stinks. We did accomplish more than Brad and the people expected. But then again they only ordered a dumpster for the debris for 24 hours. So, we had to work until 8PM. Today was a challenging day for Brian, as he accepted the task of the being the viral host and even had to take unikum, a special drink sort of like pepto bismal except it is dark brown and tastes like... well, you have to ask Brian. Although he said never again. Pray for him as was down for the day and looks a little bit better tonight but no food except rice, bananas, and applesauce. We are all tired tonight. Tomorrow we will start rebuilding. The team is doing fantastic and doing a great job together. We are still having trouble accessing the blog editor page. Blondie has been graciously letter me use his computer. Mine has blocked the page, even though I keep putting as an ok'ed site. Computers, demon possed at times. Thanks for keeping in touch.

Oh yes, Jer 2O was suprised tonight by a friendly greeting from Bethany, a warm, loving, handshake.

Rhino Team JTJ07


Cheri said...

Like Ann and Randy, I love demolition - must have something to do with living in this neighborhood.

We are praying that Brian makes a speedy recovery!

Kathy said...
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Kathy said...

Feel better soon Brian!!! If you want, you can call my mom... she's really good at talking to you on the phone when you're barfing. No seriously though... feel better soon! I'm praying for you (and everyone else, obviously). I love you!!

Unknown said...

Brian, getting "sick" may not be the best plan to get out of work because the guys are not going to let you sight-see and play if you're sick. I hope by the time you read this, you are feeling better.
Can someone tell me who's Jer20 and what does "Rhino" mean?

Conover Church evangelical free said...

Plenty of D's in your day! Glad so much work was done. Sad to hear about Brian's destiny today. The updates are great! Thanks for loaning your computer, Blondie.
Gail, Jer20 is Jeremy Olson (I think), a friend of Jeremy Mlaker's. (Or it could be the other way around, but then I want to know who Bethany is!) The Rhinos can tell you about their name! Praying for a good day tomorrow and that no more unikum is needed!
Love, Sue and Aaron

LDJ said...

Did you know a group of Rhinos are called a "Crash"? And Rhinos can't see extremely far in front of themselves - maybe like 20 feet only...or something like that. Anyway, becuase they can't see that far they just have to take a few steps in one direction before they know if they should continue on. It's about the faith they put in what may be ahead of them. They often do not know until they get there.

Anyway, I think our boys are on a "Crash" course!
